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How my journey began...

When I started my journey into minimalism three years ago, the hardest part was letting go of the collection of vintage items I'd thrifted over the years. Finding a true antique or vintage item that calls to you feels different from a fresh from the factory piece. 


After a few years of very little thrifting, I started to brainstorm ways I could still collect unique items I find while maintaining a minimalistic lifestyle. I thought if I couldn't shop for myself, I could shop for others. The Time Travelers Circle was created to maintain that balance I needed in my life at the time, and from there my clothing reselling journey began. 


It's now been two years since I started my reselling vintage and in that short time, I have grown to love and appreciate fashion, however, I have learned many ugly truths about the industry as a whole, such as its negative impact on the environment.


Working with vintage clothing opened my eyes and caused me to transform my wardrobe and the way I consume to do my part to live and dress more sustainably. 


Time Travelers Circle may have started as a way to help keep my clutter down, but over the years it has grown into something much more and meaningful to me. 





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